Alev Ebüzziya Siesbye

Harmonices Mundi

13.03.2015 - 06.06.2015

Erimtan Müzesi is not enough... to discover and admire the art of the primitives; we have to discover the sources of the these arts in ourselves, so that we can become aware of what it is, in a modern existence, that is still “mythical” and that survives in us as part of the human condition.

Mircea Eliade


This exhibition entitled “ Harmonices Mundi” celebrates the opening of the Erimtan Museum of Art and Archaeology, by bringing together ancient Anatolian pottery from the Erimtan Collection, with the works of the Turkish artist Alev Ebüzziya, one of the foremost 20th Century masters of the ceramic vessel.

The judicious exhibition design conceived by Deniz Artun, director of Galeri Nev in Ankara, which has been representing Ebüzziya since 1992, brings attention to the artists uniqe response to vessels, that have been crafted in the same geographic region, between 2500-2500 BCE, by the Hatti, the Ancient Hittites, Kultepe and Van-Urmiya cultures, as well as the Phrygians, around 900-800 BCE. The participation of other art collectors from Ankara in this event is an equally significant outcome of this show, as they have contributed the quasi totality of Ebüzziya’s vessels, present in the exhibiton. By responding to Artun’s invitation, they too have collaborated with Yüksel Erimtan’s grand gesture, by sharing treasured works from their own collections, with art lovers in Ankara, and beyond.