Dystopian 1984
Galeri Nev Gezegen
Abidin Dino / Behçet Safa / Burak Bedenlier / Canan Dağdelen / Canan Tolon / Eda Gecikmez / Erdal Duman / Erdal İnci / Ergin İnan / Erol Akyavaş / Erró / Extramücadele / Mehmet Koyunoğlu / Murat Akagündüz / Mustafa Karasu / Mübin Orhon / Mümtaz Çeltik / Nazif Topçuoğlu / Necla Rüzgar / Nejad Devrim / Nermin Kura / Osman Kerkütlü / Roland Topor / Selim Cebeci / Yüksel Arslan / Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt / İnci Eviner
Root and Footing 12.12.2024 - 18.01.2025 -
Quiet On The Surface Raging at The Core 05.10.2024 - 09.11.2024 -
Hinterland 21.09.2024 - 27.10.2024 -
A Taxonomy of Overlooked Objects 05.09.2024 - 08.09.2024 -
The Oracle’s Horizons 09.05.2024 - 08.06.2024 -
I am the rock that’s holding back the tide 24.02.2024 - 23.03.2024 -
On its Circuits the Wind Returns 13.01.2024 - 10.02.2024 -
Un Soleil Perdu Dans l’Orage 21.10.2023 - 25.11.2023 -
Spirit-Blue, Flesh-Violet* 04.02.2023 - 04.03.2023 -
Another Round 14.09.2022 - 08.10.2022 -
Mirror I Am: Silver And Exact 21.04.2022 - 11.06.2022 -
O! 19.03.2022 - 19.04.2022 -
Mogambo 29.09.2021 - 30.10.2021 -
My Name Was Written On Every Page 16.05.2021 - 27.06.2021 -
Horror Vacui 07.04.2021 - 02.05.2021 -
Touched and Thrilled 17.12.2020 - 09.01.2021 -
Encyclopedia of Non-existent Knowledge 04.11.2020 - 05.12.2020 -
Broken Open 17.09.2020 - 17.10.2020 -
Inherent Visions 06.05.2020 - 15.05.2020 -
Age of Gold 21.12.2019 - 18.01.2020 -
The Whole Planet was Inside 11.09.2019 - 19.10.2019 -
A King in Exile 01.05.2019 - 05.05.2019 -
Le grand mérite de Néjad c’est d’être Néjad 12.12.2018 - 12.02.2019 -
Landscape in a Capsule 07.11.2018 - 08.12.2018 -
Creature With Multiple Hearts 05.09.2018 - 30.09.2018 -
Still Life with a Curtain 10.05.2018 - 23.06.2018 -
Angels’ Share 14.09.2017 - 25.10.2017 -
UPRISE ile hiç 31.03.2017 - 22.04.2017 -
Speak No Evil 09.12.2016 - 15.01.2017 -
The Overcoming Silence 22.09.2016 - 27.10.2016 -
NevNadir 04.05.2016 - 11.06.2016 -
AKYAVASPHOTOGRAPHY 04.12.2015 - 16.01.2016 -
Amusement Park 08.05.2015 - 13.06.2015 -
Notes From Home 20.02.2015 - 28.03.2015 -
Mübin on His 90th Anniversary 05.12.2014 - 03.01.2015 -
Fauna 26.09.2014 - 28.09.2014 -
Fauna 24.01.2014 - 01.03.2014 -
Cocktail 13.12.2013 - 18.01.2014 -
Le Temps Naissant 08.11.2013 - 07.12.2013 -
Kafa Kağıdı 10.05.2013 - 05.08.2013 -
Ser 12.04.2013 - 04.05.2013 -
Turns 100! 15.03.2013 - 06.04.2013 -
Reconstructive Memory 15.02.2013 - 09.03.2013 -
On His 75th Anniversary 11.01.2013 - 09.02.2013 -
AKYAVAŞEROTIQUE 06.04.2012 - 28.04.2012 -
Digital Codes 20.01.2012 - 18.02.2012 -
Go-sees 16.12.2011 - 14.01.2012 -
First Drawings 1965-1980 18.11.2011 - 10.12.2011 -
On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death 07.10.2011 - 12.11.2011 -
Art of Defence 29.04.2011 - 28.05.2011 -
1952-1972: Bénédicte Orhon Collection 25.03.2011 - 22.04.2011 -
Childhood 21.01.2011 - 12.02.2011 -
Fugue 12.03.2010 - 17.04.2010 -
Nouveau Citoyen 18.12.2009 - 13.01.2010 -
In Search of Lost Reality 15.05.2009 - 01.09.2009
The Last Traces -
Yunus Emre Series -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Mi’rajname -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
The Hand -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
Yunus Emre Series -
Untitled -
Untitled -
Untitled (La Main de Fatima) -
Untitled (La Main de Fatima) -
Remembrance Stamps for The Association of Artists Who Died of Starvation -
Remembrance Stamps for The Association of Artists Who Died of Starvation -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Last Traces -
The Odds and The Addicts -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Last Traces -
The Odds and The Addicts -
The Odds and The Addicts -
The Odds and The Addicts -
The Hand -
The Odds and The Addicts -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
The Hand -
Remembrance Stamps for The Association of Artists Who Died of Starvation